Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Integrating Educational Technology Without Annihilating Nature

(MAC image)

The article "Sharing the Sacred Fire: Integrating Educational Technology Without Annihilating Nature", by R.W Burniske is an informative summary of an example of using technology as a supplement to real-world learning. Burniske's main points fall under finding a balance between education, technology and nature, or real-world learning. The article decribes a specific event in which several students from Sao Paulo, Brazil underwent a learning workshop to help integrate the use of technology as an educational tool. This tool was used to help support learning about nature and the surrounding environment in which the students were placed. One of the challenges mentioned in the article about using technology is the tendency for technology to allow students to experience a globalized world, and therefore possibly paying less attention to their own surroundings right outside the classroom. Buriske suggested ways to integrate the 'real-world' things through physical exploration, while using technology as a tool to reflect on students' experiences. Overall the article stressed finding a balance between both technology and nature and teaching students how to work with technology tools in a responsible manner.

Question: Do you think that in many of today's classrooms students are using technology in a way that is linking them to their own environment or making them look beyond it to a more globalized perspective?

Here are some links related to the article:

Technology vs Nature: What is Natural?

Ideas for Integrating Technology Education Into Everyday Learning

Technology In Nature

Kristi Martin


Shauna Huggins said...

I dont think that technology is necessarily being used to connect students to nature but I do think that it has some potential to. I think that with the right use of technology teachers can begin to do this more effectively. Programs like Google Earth, different programs showing geography and animals, can all be brought into the classroom to make this connection for students. I think that in such a technology driven era this is something that teachers should begin to do when they are using technology.

Kristi said...

Yes, I definately agree. Google Earth is a good one cause it allows you to explore so many parts of the world that people are curious about, but it is also cool for kids to find their own school or house on the map. This program could definately be linked with their real world environment because they could design their own map from school to home and then later compare it to the images on goodle earth.
I also agree that teachers should keep this in mind when using technology. Just because we have all this new great stuff doesn't mean we should forget about the things just outside our back door. Why not integrate them!

Ashley Prontack said...

I have to agree with Kristi, i think that technology and the internet is being used to connect students to their environment and is linking it to more global perspectives. I think the internet and programs such as google earth give students a different perspective in which to view their environment and alternatives to physical exploration for those that seek more beyond their local environment. I think it is opening up a lot of possibilities for those that want to explore it and is a great tool that can be used by teachers in the classroom and computer lab.